Jun 11, 2018

Asking Questions The Quest Not to Shun Others

by Cindy Crean     

The Power of Oprah is the Power of Question

The Forbes article “What Oprah Can Teach Us About the Power of Asking Questions” focuses on the benefits of the simple act of asking constructive questions and, how asking questions can benefit a company’s productivity. Simply asking a question encourages others to contribute and be creative. It is an inclusive approach to business. Further, asking questions along the lines of “how could our product be even more useful?” can engage one in thinking through the viewpoint of one’s client, customer or end user. This avoids excessive valuing of one’s own interests – it provides a more balanced approach to problem-solving. Asking questions helps one let go of the need to prove one’s own worth, and the need to have control. True North Team Building offers plenty of programs that allow practicing healthier communication skills, including recognizing the value of questioning. Some examples are Chain Reaction, Shore to Shore Bridge Build, Experiential Challenges, and many of our culinary programs.chain reaction