May 16, 2018

How to Leave Your Comfort Zone And Why It’s Important To

by Cindy Crean     

LifeHacker “Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone”

In this lifehacker blog post, author Alan Henry discusses the importance of pushing yourself beyond the limits of your ‘comfort zone’. He admonishes the complacency of neglecting to try new things and falling back on old habits. In his guide to how to leave your comfort zone and why you should, Henry brings up “Optimal Anxiety”. Optimal anxiety is the idea that you need a small amount of stress to perform at your best. Optimal anxiety can be exploited in a work environment to help create a more productive space. Research cited in the article suggests that without enough risk or unfamiliarity involved in a task, workers can easily fall into a steady and sluggish pace or even apathy. True North Team Building offers programs (like Chain Reaction) that will allow you to see how your employees flourish when confronted with new and semi-stressful challenges. These programs are designed to give your company ideas about how a more dynamic workplace is more conducive to success.

May 15, 2018

The Chalk Art by Peter Han & The Surprisingly Valuable Work Ethic Behind It

by Cindy Crean     

Peter Han Chalk Art

SnowGlobe Studios’ short film, “Pardon My Dust: The Chalk Art of Peter Han” speaks volumes on the creative potential behind two things: not being afraid to let go and taking the ‘biggest strokes’ first. Han teaches students to practice drawing on the impermanent medium of the chalkboard to avoid attachment/excessive self-praise. He also says that it can be limiting to fixate on the details initially; you should instead get the biggest concepts down first and work backwards from there. These ideas are easily applicable to the workplace and are endlessly fruitful for self-improvement. True North Team Building offers many programs that help instill these values.

Jan 16, 2018

Adjusting Your Posture at Work Has Tremendous Benefits

by Cindy Crean     

The majority of us spend a lot of time sitting and don’t realize that the way we are sitting could be causing us a lot of joint pain. This article is one of the most helpful pieces of advice I have gotten in a long time; and, seeing as we spend so much time sitting at work, I thought I would pass it along.  This also really helped me visualize how to be in the correct position while sitting at my desk or while driving. Our posture is so important, True North Team Building can help you and your co-workers regain balance and posture with our Yoga Workshop!

sitting posture